The Advantages of Using Baby Teethers for Infants Your baby will grow 19 teeth between the ages of 7 and 24 months, but the first tooth is by far the most exciting. Teething is an exciting time for both the baby and the parents, but it can also be a frustrating time. Once the process begins, your baby will experience a variety of symptoms, including fever, sleep disturbances, a decreased appetite, red sore gums, biting more than usual, and possibly diarrhea. It's natural to want to help your baby feel less pain when you notice some of these symptoms. Thankfully, fever medications, teething gel, and baby te have made this possible. Because of the pain in their gums, infants will want to put everything in their mouth during this time, so baby teethers can be very useful. These infant toys, which come in a variety of shapes and colors, provide a variety of benefits for a teething baby. Take, for example, Pain Relief According to pediatricians, 10-15% of bab...
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